Atsushi Hinata (火夏熱志, Hinata Atsushi), also known as Homerunner (ホームランナー, Hōmurannā), is a student of Hokori Academy. He aims to master his Quirk and use his fiery abilities to become a renowned Pro Hero.
Atsushi appears to be a young high school-aged teenager. He has dyed orange spiked hair, a goatee that's tied into a small ponytail, and pale blue eyes. He wears a white dress shirt (in which he has modified significantly) with the collar popped up, a white shirt with a red grunge skull design, black jeans, and white platform shoes with a black sole. He accessorizes with a padlocked chain necklace, two overlapping studded belts, rings, and an oversized safety pin on his lapel.
His hero costume resembles a baseball uniform, complete with flame-patterned sleeves and a helmet that doubles as a fire-resistant cap.
Atsushi grew up in a small town, where his Quirk developed when he was young and he quickly discovered his affinity for sports. He was known for his powerful throws and fiery energy on the baseball field, earning him the nickname Homerunner. His goal is to combine his athletic skills with his Quirk to protect others and achieve greatness as a hero. Atsushi joined Hokori Academy to hone his abilities and reach his full potential.
Quirk and Abilities[]
Overall Abilities: Atsushi possesses exceptional athleticism and coordination, which he combines with his Quirk to enhance his combat skills. His ability to generate and control fireballs makes him effective in ranged combat, while his agility and strength contribute to his melee support capabilities. He has a strategic mind and excels in high-pressure situations.
Enhanced Strength: Atsushi possesses above-average physical strength, allowing him to perform powerful attacks and exert force beyond that of an average person. This strength is particularly useful when combined with his Quirk for melee combat.
Baseball Proficiency: Atsushi has a high level of skill in baseball, which translates into his Quirk usage. His experience with pitching and hitting helps him control the trajectory and power of his fireballs, similar to throwing a baseball.
Fireball (火球, Kakyū): Atsushi's Quirk allows him to generate and manipulate balls of fire. He can control the size, intensity, and trajectory of the fireballs, using them for both offensive and defensive purposes. His Quirk also enables him to absorb heat and convert it into fire energy.